Webcams in Saarburg and Nittel

Live images from the region

Our webcams provide up-to-date moving live images from Saarburg and Nittel from Saar and Upper Moselle.

Get a flavour of how beautiful it is in the Saar-Obermosel region.

In the webcam display you can find out about current weather and temperature data and get a preview of what the weather will be like over the next few days.


The camera in Saarburg shows the impressive silhouette of the old town with its colourful fishermen's and boatmen's houses on the banks of the Saar, surrounded by steep vineyards that produce the best Riesling wines. The historic castle complex, which Count Siegfried of Luxembourg had built as early as 964, towers above it all. The landing stage below is bustling with passenger boats that set off on round trips and to the nearby Saar Loop in Mettlach. The atmosphere is particularly beautiful at dusk, when the illuminated cityscape is bathed in warm light.





In Nittel, the webcam provides a 180-degree view of the Moselle and the gently rolling vineyards from its location at the panoramic hut on the higher ground. Elbling and Burgundy vines grow on the light-coloured shell limestone soils. The special thing about the webcam's location: the view of two countries. While the wine village of Nittel lies on the German side of the Moselle, the village of Machtum on the opposite side already belongs to Luxembourg.


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